It is Erev Rosh Hashanah. We have all had ups and also some downs this year. It may have been a year with challenge, struggle mixed in with the blessing and goodness. My Rebbe, Rav Gerzi, suggested to us that we set aside some time on Rosh Hashanah not just to daven for ourselves, but to daven on behalf of a friend as well. We can also daven for all of Klal Yisrael in general and for Eretz Yisrael.
As Rav Gerzi worded it, when we daven for ourselves we know our own faults and we think to ourselves: “with all my sins who am I to ask Hashem for things?” But when davening for someone else, we see their positives and are not as likely to know all their inner turmoils, so we can daven for them wholeheartedly.
In regards to the idea that some people feel of not asking requests on Rosh Hashanah, he expressed that the way to word it is that “Hashem, you need “insert name” to serve you. Without proper health, shidduch, parnassah etc., they can’t serve you at their fullest.” Hashem, you need us to serve you. This is the idea of Malchius on Rosh Hashana. We are coronating the King. What’s a king without his subjects?
Reach out to a friend, ask for his or her name and what they would like you to daven for, then lawyer up for them before Hashem.
In the merit of davening for each other, may all our tefillos be accepted for good and may we see torrents of revealed blessing in our lives.
Shana Tova,