Rav Moshe Dovid Vali in beginning of Acharei Mos writes:
וזהו כלל גדול, שלא לבא אל הקדושה, אלא בקדושה
Perhaps, in order to understand Acharei Mos, you need to first understand Kedoshim.
Parashas Kedoshim is full of Mitzvos with the leading mitzvah to be Kadosh - holy. “You shall be holy, for I Hashem, your God, am Holy.”
The Torah does not give us a clear instruction manual as to how to be holy. We have other mitzvos that when we do them, we can become holier. How do we fulfill the basic mitzvah of Kedoshim Tihyu?
The Bas Ayin teaches us that the mitzvah to be Kadosh is to contemplate the holiness of Hashem. We can become holy people when we lead a life of contemplation and intent in what we do, to serve Hashem through our every action.
The successive mitzvos in the Parsha (and the rest of the Torah) are perhaps intended to help us use every moment and action towards this intent to serve Hashem.
This is similar to the Gemara (Makkos 23b), “Hashem wanted to benefit the people of Israel and therefore, gave them abundant opportunities to study Torah and fulfill mitzvos.”
When we are not doing actions that we can have the intent of a Mitzvah with, we can still remain connected to Hashem with our thoughts. By being mindful, and maintaining an awareness of Hashem, and contemplating how these actions are necessary to further enhance our Avodas Hashem.
The Bas Ayin tells us that this constant connection to Hashem, through mindfulness in our thoughts and actions, will lead to one meriting genuine love of Hashem.