When writing, I am usually captivated by a certain idea and lesson and feel the need to write it down. For some reason this week, try as I might, there was nothing that captivated me as much. Yes, this Parsha is fully loaded, with the laws of the Kohanim, Moadim, and laws of korbanos and monetary damages. There is so much to say, yet so little to say. Yet, as I started writing the following idea was presented to me by Hashem and I feel the need to share it.
I feel like Hashem said to Aharon to talk to the Kohanim. We know Aharon, was known as the silent one. He was silent since the deaths of his holy children Nadav and Avihu. He did not have what to say, perhaps he wasn’t captivated by anything enough to share it. Hashem says to him Emor, now is the time to speak. Now is the time to share the unique missive of the Kohanim.
You see, Aharon and all the Kohanim, his children, represented Chesed. With this Chesed the Kohanim bless the Jewish people. As they are filled with Hashem’s love, and they are charged to let it overflow to everyone else.
It is for this reason that the Kohanim were chosen as the original teachers of Torah -- because one can only truly teach Torah if he or she is filled with a deep sense of love for other people. A teacher of Torah must fully believe that he or she is performing the greatest kindness towards others, sharing the infinite light of Torah in a world that can otherwise become so dark.
There may be times, when there is nothing to say - and that is ok. There are other times, when we feel there is nothing to say, we need Hashem to tell us Emor. Here is something to say, you need to start talking. You need to start teaching your brothers and sisters about Hashem’s eternal love for His children. So much can be accomplished but you just need to share it.
Perhaps, we too, can share the mission of the Kohanim and try to feel Hashem’s love towards us despite whatever challenges we face, and to share this love with His other children.