We tend to run around before Shabbos to get everything done and ready. We finally get to Shul and daven a bit to welcome in the Shabbos. Some of us take a quick nap during the Dvar Torah, others try to listen as they calm down from the frenzied pace of the Erev Shabbos rush, just a few minutes earlier. At last Shul is over and we wish all our friends a Gut Shabbos, and head back to our (hopefully calmer) homes and go straight to a meal with our loved ones. By the time dessert comes around, we are exhausted and, barring a Shalom Zachor, we head off to bed.
Perhaps as we get ready to go to Shul on Friday night, we should pause, reflect and wish ourselves a Gut Shabbos. Appreciate the calm. Appreciate who we have become this week. appreciate our spouse and our children, Wish them a meaningful Gut Shabbos too. Once we wish ourselves a Gut Shabbos, we can properly say Kabbalas Shabbos, wish our friends a more meaningful Gut Shabbos, and enjoy the Shabbos meal with the family.
Wish yourself a Gut Shabbos, it may change your whole Shabbos experience.
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